Využite existujúce pôdne rozbory
Vyššia ziskovosť hospodárenia na vašom agro-podniku
Existujúce pôdne rozbory
V prípade že už pôdny rozbor máte, pomôžeme vám čo najlepšie zúžitkovať existujúce dáta. S cieľom zlepšiť rentabilitu pestovania – zanalyzujeme namerané hodnoty a odporúčíme vám najvhodnejšie riešenie na zlepšenie úrodnosti pôdy a zvýšenie výnosov.
Zašlite nám pôdne rozbory ktoré už máte a ozveme sa vám.
Táto služba je úplne zdarma!

Most soil analysis provide only the lab data but don´t link them together.
Our experts know how to do that to get the most out of your soil analysis.
How we do that?
Example of soil analysis data:
P-availability: 5 mg/10g
K-availability: 25 mg/100g
pH(CaCl): 5,3
Numuscontent: 3,5
What does this data mean?
The soil analysis says your soil is very poor in Phosphorus. Therefore you think about using more P-fertilizer. This would be the logical but wrong conclusion! It would cost you a lot of money and won’t improve anything!
By linking the data together our recommendation would be:
No additional P-fertilizer is needed, just increase your soil pH
How do we get to this recommendation?
We will ask you about the average yield of your crops and the already used P-fertilizer amount. In this example we assume that the P-outflows due to harvested crops and the amount of fertilized P are the same, the P-balance is balanced.